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Yves Vanderveken

Freud situates dreams, delusions, phobias, obsessions, hallucinations, etc., within a continuity – as they are psychic phenomena[1].

If regarding those we can invoke a separation from reality, classify them as part of the realm of phantasmagoria, reduce them to the imaginary, and therefore strive to oppose them while directing therapy towards a return to reason, Freud, as far as he is concerned, takes them seriously…

The Degree Zero of Madness

On Everyone Is Mad

Gil Caroz

The aphorism, Everyone Is Mad [Tout le monde est fou] does not apply to all beings on Earth, but only to those speaking beings who obey the code of language and are immersed in a discourse which forms a social bond. Indeed, when we speak, we render things unreal, we make them inexistent, which is the very meaning of the formula, “the word is the murder of the thing.” But what makes the speaker a madman is precisely that, by speaking and therefore making the thing inexistent, he gives it a being…

“Everyone Is Mad”

  • Jacques-Alain Miller

WAP 2024

Jacques-Alain Miller

It falls to me to give the title of the Congresses of the WAP* . Why is this so? The habit has taken hold, it has become a kind of tradition – danger! This will not always be so. But for now I guess that that time has not yet come. So, I will continue to do so. Our next conference will be entitled: “Everyone is Mad”…