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Accueil » Introducing the WAP

Introducing the WAP

Christiane Alberti

The World Association of Psychoanalysis brings together seven Schools, situated in different countries, on different continents. Characterised by a diversity of languages and styles, it is a translinguistic experience which aims to keep the Lacanian orientation and Psychoanalysis alive in the world. All its members have one thing in common: their theoretical references, their concern for the formation of the analyst, their way of practising psychoanalysis, and their doctrine on the end of analysis. Its members, living in different cultural milieus, feel that, one by one, they form a School ONE, sharing its destiny, sharing as destiny: psychoanalysis.

The existence of the WAP is a consequence of the teaching of Jacques Lacan, as it spread outside of France. It is psychoanalysis in the world, the world beyond its borders.